Kevin Brockdorff

Kevin Brockdorff


Kevin Brockdorff is the Superintendent at 247 West 37th Street, a position he has held since 2023. At 35 years old, Kevin brings over a decade of experience in building maintenance and management to his role. Previously, Brockdorff worked at GFP’s 1560 Broadway for 12 years, where he held various roles including porter, nighttime foreman, concierge, and handyman. These positions provided him with a broad range of skills and experiences, culminating in his current role as superintendent.

In his role as Superintendent, Kevin oversees the overall maintenance, operation, and management of the office building at 247 West 37th Street. His responsibilities include performing regular maintenance tasks and repairs, supervising maintenance staff, coordinating with external vendors and contractors, and acting as a point of contact for tenants regarding maintenance issues. Kevin ensures that the building complies with safety regulations, manages building systems, responds to emergencies, and assists in budget management. He is dedicated to maintaining a safe, efficient, and well-kept environment for tenants and visitors alike.

Years with GFP
13 years
Contact details
(212) 736.4551